Leading / Following

Leading / Following_Learn

First impressions Video-bytes and micro-learning exploring how many conversations start badly, and can struggle to get back on track. I We You as a tool for framing conversations is useful to those who score either high or low in Leading / Following.

The power of good questioning Micro-learning to improve questioning skills. Asking better questions prevents high Leading scorers from dominating and “telling”. Also helps Followers ease into conversations and find interesting topics to discuss.

Video-bytes explaining SHAPE Questioning. SHAPE is a flexible questioning approach that drives engaging, two-way conversations.

The power of good listening Self-assessment (with tips for improvement) focused on the key skill of listening.

Balancing the conversation flow Video-byte and micro-learning explaining how Value Sheets guide conversations and help high Leading scorers to focus better.

See the world from the other side Video-bytes and micro-learning to better position your ideas and recommendations. High leading scorers are sometimes not good at seeing the world from other peoples’ viewpoint. Low scorers sometimes struggle to articulate their ideas. N-F-B can help both groups.

Understanding the impact on your relationships Micro-learning and assessment tool to assess and understand the implications of different relationship types, particularly ad-hoc and technical relationships that are common with those who score high in Leading/Following.

Video-bytes explaining ad-hoc and technical relationships

The impact of cognitive bias Video-byte explaining the impact of cognitive bias.