Your needs / My needs

Your needs / My needs – Learn

First impressions Video-bytes and micro-learning exploring how to frame conversations and signal a focus on the other person’s agenda and interests, not our own.

Be curious Micro-learning to improve questioning skills. Demonstrates an interest in the other person and their needs. SHAPE is a flexible questioning approach that drives engaging, two-way conversations.

Video-bytes explaining SHAPE Questioning.

The power of good listening Article 'Are you really listening' and self-assessment (with tips for improvement) focused on the key skill of listening.

Focus on value Video-byte and micro-learning explaining how Value Sheets aid a focus on value – primarily to the other person.

Stand in the other person’s shoes Video-bytes and micro-learning to better position your ideas and recommendations. N-F-B drives a strong focus on the other person’s needs and the benefit to them of any help you can provide.